Big Stinky Obstacles

Big Stinking Obstacle

The challenge for servant leaders is to stay the course when their desire to stay connected with their spiritual nature conflicts with the company rule.

Values and beliefs should create the rules by which we govern our lives – not the opposite. Rules should not determine our values and beliefs. All too often, bully management has the perspective that rules are directly linked to performance. They think that without rules, performance must automatically suffer. The truth is that, in many situations, it is the rules that stifle the company culture.

Servant leaders are naturally amiable and they are often global thinkers, not linear thinkers. They are empathetic and tend to be good listeners – giving team members multiple chances and enough time to learn and grow (when in fact, the company is screaming “cut the rope!”)

But servant leaders can’t pull everyone up the mountain. The practical side of their nature – which serves the company’s bottom line – first has to kick in. They still have to be willing to let toxic employees go before they poison the ship.

Servant leaders can stay true to their nature and true to a positive uplifting culture.

They can develop people and attitudes in a way that continues to benefit the company – with good processes and policies that create appropriate boundaries, goals, and benchmarks. They can lead without appearing soft with clear communication.

The wise servant leader doesn’t take offense and plot revenge. They listen and adjust – working to improve the path of the team, often in spite of the dead, rotting bear stuck inside the log, fallen across the path (a.k.a. big stinky obstacles).

During difficult times, the adjustments have to be made to let ineffective people go.

What are you doing to get past the obstacles in your way?

L2L Contributing Author


  1. Christopher V. Vitto on January 23, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Agree… my mind the the whole idea behind servant leadership is this. In order for any organization to be effective those that must execute on business plans need to be supported. You serve those that must do, in order to ensure the tools and processes are favorable towards execution…removing the obstacles as you remove the crutches. Accountability exists at a high rate for those who have leaders employing servant leadership philosophies, and I would argue their sense of accountability towards results is in direct crrelation to their realizations that they are being supported and if they fail there is no one else to blame.
    It is easy to blame others when you feel the leadership is not concerned with how you get there but just the result.

    Leaders shine brightly when those they lead shine brighter through their results and pride of accomplishment. Leaders who are scare of success for those they lead are not servant leaders.

  2. Scott MacDonald on July 28, 2009 at 7:01 am

    So true. Thanks for the post.


