How Do You Transform A Life?

Stepping Stones

How do you transform a life?  You make one empowered step at a time.

During this year I’ve been given ample opportunities to get out of my own way.  As a conscious business leader, my desire is to fulfill the highest calling for my life – to step into my potential more fully and to make a positive impact in the world.

To do that I’ve had to acknowledge that I’ve been sitting in the shadows; playing small.  I’ve been in hiding. I question: “Who am I to consider doing something on a grand scale?  I’m not good enough!”

And yet the whispers from my spirit keep urging me not to settle because there is something I’ve been called to do.

Making New Choices

Once that realization surfaced I had a conscious choice to make – step forward into greater awareness or step back into the shadows.  I chose to step forward, not because I had the answers but because I trusted that what I was feeling was pulling me towards a transformed life.  I have not been disappointed.  This year has been transformational for me and exhilarating.  I’ve had the opportunity to do things that I could have only dreamed of before saying “yes” to my life.

In these times people are shaken. Yet today is a day of unprecedented opportunity.

Each of us come into this life full of gifts and talents we are meant to use for the benefit of others.

Seeking Clarity

Circumstances arise to either nudge you back on your path or prepare you to fulfill your purpose. Right in your midst are opportunities that are disguised as problems.  They have the ability to transform your life and your business.  But do you have the eyes to see it? Look around.  It’s probably right in front of you.

Be a leader of purpose and trust your inner wisdom. You have unlimited potential and wisdom.  Don’t run away from your greatness.  Run toward it; embrace it and step forward. 

There are those who are waiting for what only you can bring forth.

With purpose and focus you can accomplish more in six months than someone can in two years.

Have you ever seen a tombstone?

In the US and many other places, when someone dies, a tombstone or plaque is placed where the person’s name and dates of their birth and death are listed like this:

My Headstone
Your Life Is A Dash

Your life is the dash between the two dates.  Here are a few questions to help make the most of the dash …

  • At the end of your life what would have been important for you to fulfill, to complete – to BE?
  • Are you on purpose with those intentions now?
  • Do you trust that we live in a generous universe, meaning you don’t have to compete against anyone because there is more than enough for everyone?
  • Do you take the opportunity to step back and listen to what is right for you (and consequently align yourself with a path to succeed in a way you never would have dreamed possible)?

Become greater than your doubt.  Don’t wait another day; you still have time. Feed the spark within you that feels called to create, contribute and cause positive change in the world.  The world needs what you have to offer.

Reach for a higher purpose.
Go for something beyond what you thought you could do.
Live with intensity. Let others lead small lives, but not you.

Deal in things that matter – the larger challenges, the larger opportunities.
If you will use, develop and work on your gifts they will make an extraordinary place for you.

Why not you?
Be the leader of your own life.
Lead with vision, passion and purpose.
Because I guarantee you, the world is waiting for what only you can bring.
(Jim Rohn)

Anastasia Montejano, ACC, PMP, Founder of Management Leadership Coaching
She uses her unique branded system to transform potential into effective leadership
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L2L Contributing Author

