The Authentic Leader


Authenticity is one of the greatest gifts you can bring as a conscious leader.

By nature I tend to be the person who would rather listen and observe everything around me than be the center of attention.  Work is play for me.  My mind sees so many possibilities, that it’s hard to turn it off.  It’s hard for me NOT to talk about work related topics and I’m not great at small talk.

I’d prefer to use the discussion to create or discover something new.

Busy Minds

Because my mind is constantly thinking of ways to accomplish my goals (like an ongoing chess game) I relish time alone because it allows me to process all that’s going on inside and determine what’s necessary to act on and what can wait.

As a result, others may find me quiet, always talking business or perceived as aloof.  Sigh. Not exactly the way I’d like to describe myself to others.

So here I was at this event with three special people who are all very gifted.

At some point I saw their greatness and started to diminish mine.

I started to question my unique value and contributions.  After I got home I came across this anonymous quote, which helped me see the opportunity I was being given to live more authentically:

“Everything you’re ashamed of, all the parts of yourself that you keep secret, everything you want to change about yourself:  it’s – who – you – are.  It’s your power.  Deny it and you’re nothing; you’ll never be the leader you want to be.  But you could be.  You’ve got to start breaking down those walls and accept your circumstances, strengths and weaknesses.  Just tell the truth and be who you are without apologies or explanations.  Doing this yourself will allow others to do the same.”  ~Anonymous

Clarity & Perspective

This put it all in perspective for me.  As a conscious business leader, my business success depends on being real.  My strengths and idiosyncrasies are mine and mine alone.  If I can be accepting of myself it allows others around me to do the same.  I’ve chosen to embrace who I am at a level I hadn’t imagined before.  I realized all those traits that make me – me – are the very characteristics that make me a highly effective coach.  It feels right.

You will never be successful trying to be someone else.

As a conscious leader or business owner here’s a question that needs to be asked: “Is my leadership style comfortable and does it reflect who I truly am?” What is my passion?

  • What are my strengths?
  • What is my leadership purpose?
  • Who am I being today as a leader?

Those who succeed develop leadership styles that align with their own beliefs and personality and find a role where those talents are used.

To succeed you must know yourself, which takes time.  You’ll have more success the better you know yourself and the more true you are to your authentic self.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu

Leadership can be a work of art, if aligned with your vision, passion and purpose.  You don’t have to stay within the accepted lines or do what everyone thinks you should. Start with who you’re being as a leader, what you’re being called to and where you’re being called.  That is the way your life and leadership can become the masterpiece it’s meant to be.

Anastasia Montejano, ACC, PMP, Founder of Management Leadership Coaching
She uses her unique branded system to transform potential into effective leadership

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L2L Contributing Author

