Articles of Faith: The Christian Humanist Epidemic

Two Faced Christian
This post is part of our Sunday Series titled “Articles of Faith.”
We investigate leadership lessons from the Bible.
See the whole series here. Published only on Sundays.

Christian leaders are called to be servant leaders modeling the way that Jesus Christ led. They are called to be in the world, but not of the world.

“Most Christians in business are Christian humanists. We are theists in terms of God, but humanist in terms of how we run our business.” ~Brett Johnson Christian think-tank leader interviewed in “Bold Leadership: Biblical Principles for Marketplace Impact”

This epidemic of our leaders choosing to lead their organizations and their families in such an oxymoronic way, as if God is a pinch hitter in their life, is an issue that all Christian leaders need to address.  Are we as Christian leaders living and leading in a way that honors and magnifies God?

Personally I have not always led and lived as if there was life after death, and I wonder how many opportunities I missed because I did not lead and live as God calls me to.

Getting it Right

How are you leading? And how should you lead?

I challenge you to do some deep reflecting, looking back on how you have led both in the good times and the bad, has it reflected God? Have you led in such a way that you would be proud if your children followed in your footsteps? Have you led as a Christian leader or a humanist leader?

What is the solution and how can I lead EFFECTIVELY if I am to lead in a CHRIST honoring way?

Isn’t that also an oxymoron?

NO it is not an oxymoron!  In my book Bold Leadership: Biblical Principles for Marketplace Impact I wrote on this topic of being BOLD in the marketplace.

The word “Bold” is used 31 times in the Bible, and all but five of those are found in the New Testament. “Bold” is used most often in the context of preaching and/or teaching.

Being a “bold leader” is actively integrating your faith by embracing biblical principles in your role as a marketplace leader.

A Call to Stewardship

Don’t get me wrong, being a “bold leader” in a world that is increasingly hostile towards God is difficult and requires us to be bold!  However, as Christians we are called to steward that which God has given us.  Most individuals tie idea of stewardship with a monetary definition, when that is not the whole definition.

The definition of “steward” is to “manage another’s property, finances, or other affairs.”

If we apply the whole definition stewardship takes on a whole new level.  As Christians was know (or should know) that EVERYTHING we have has been given to us by God, and we are simply called to steward it wisely, that means your LEADERSHIP ROLE as well.

A Leadership Parable

In Matthew chapter 25 Jesus tells the parable of the bags of gold.  In this parable a master gives five bags of gold to one servant, two bags to another, and one bag to the last according to each servants ability.

At the end of this parable the point of the story wasn’t to distinguish between the size of gift each servant was given but what each servant did with what they had been given.  If we are truly to apply this definition of stewardship to our ENTIRE lives and not just pieces of it, we must steward what we have been GIVEN by God effectively.

He cares about what we do with what he has given us.

How to Practically Apply “Bold Leadership”

 In my recent book Bold Leadership: Biblical Principles for Marketplace Impact  I share many practical tips specific to the stories and insights shared in the text.  From practical ways to honor God in the way we approach difficult decisions, how we engage with employees, how we prepare for opportunities, and much more.

Leadership is fundamentally about influence, every interaction with others impacts the influence you have; act wisely. (Excerpt)

Leading Your Whole Life

Take some time brainstorming over each area I addressed and assess where you rank on the Bold Leader spectrum (Are you theist or humanistic in your leadership approach).  I encourage you to take God out of the pinch hitting position and place Him in His rightful place, he has given you your role, use it to honor Him, everything else is pointless.

If stewardship applies to EVERYTHING that you have been given, your family, job, hobbies, ministry, etc., are you being a good steward?  What areas can you improve your stewardship to honor God more effectively.

I challenge you to take advantage of Bold Leadership: Biblical Principles for Marketplace Impact as a resource for yourself or share it with someone else.  Take advantage of whatever role God has given you to share Christ through your actions and words.


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Dr. Merlin Switzer
Dr. Merlin Switzer is Managing Partner at Switzer Associates
He helps clients with improving Leadership, Leading Change & Team Development
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L2L Contributing Author


  1. Tom Cocklereece on June 29, 2013 at 5:17 pm

    Good article. There is appears to be little difference between the leadership of secular organizations and that of church leaders. The culture is impacting the church more than the church is impacting the culture. I believe it is due to a lack of discipleship which includes holiness and Christlikeness.

  2. Chester on June 29, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    “Take advantage of whatever role God has given you to share Christ through your actions and words”.

    When they block me to post , God says, I’ve done my part.

