How to Easily Spread Leadership Love

L2L Spread the Love

Thanks to you, our readers, this Linked 2 Leadership Blogazine continues to provide excellent content in the areas of Leadership Development, Organizational Health, and Personal & Professional Growth.

Your support has made the L2L Blog one of the most popular leadership blogs in the world!

Increase Your Credibility and Influence

You can now easily share this wisdom and become a valuable resource to your network without lifting a finger! You will be building credibility within your network and be seen as the influential go-to professional by sharing this insightful content with others.

How do I become more influential?

Just set up an automated distribution of fresh L2L content with TwitterFeed, and you will be the one who helps your network learn, grow, and develop other leaders! You will be spreading the leadership love!

This exposure will also help our L2L Contributing Authors gain greater exposure for their lifetime of experience, expertise, and heartbeat for others!

Spreading the Leadership Love

We want all of our readers and fans to band together and help spread this leadership love. You will be helping your network grow smarter by taking a few quick steps that can really show what great resources you connect with. With the use of a free tool called TwitterFeed, you can automate your sharing of every post without lifting a finger!

Just set up a free account and follow the instructions below to publish the syndication feed. And every time a fresh new L2L post is published, you can help get the message out to your trusted network without logging in anywhere!


Go to TwitterFeed and set up a free account!

Create New FeedClick to Enlarge Picture

Create New Feed

Create New Feed – Click to Enlarge

Make New L2L Feed

Make New Linked 2 Leadership Feed – Click to Enlarge

Advanced OptionsClick to Enlarge Picture

Advanced Options

Advanced Options – Click to Enlarge

Add Your Social Media NetworksClick to Enlarge Picture

Add Your Social Media Networks

Add Your Social Media Networks – Click to Enlarge

Authenticate AccountsClick to Enlarge Picture

Authenticate Accounts

Authenticate Accounts – Click to Enlarge

Activate Your AccountsClick to Enlarge Picture

Activate Your Accounts

Activate Your Accounts – Click to Enlarge

Success! Click to Enlarge Picture



Your New Automatic L2L FeedClick to Enlarge Picture

Your New Automatic L2L Feed

Your New Automatic L2L Feed – Click to Enlarge


You have made a huge step in helping share the leadership love with your network! You should soon see many ReTweets (RT’s) and social shares from thankful people in your network because your efforts have helped them learn, grow, and develop other leaders.

And on behalf of the L2L Contributing Authors, I would like to personally thank you for your readership and support!


Tom Schulte, Editor and Publisher
Linked 2 Leadership Blogazine

L2L Contributing Author

