Making Every Second Count

Making every second count – that sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? 

How many of you have been in a meeting recently that did not have the following:

  • a defined purpose or objective
  • an agenda (sent at least 24 hours in advance)
  • specific outcomes
  • or one that either started late, ended late, or both?

I would be willing to bet that we all have been in a “WOT” meeting lately, maybe even today. What exactly is a “WOT” meeting? It is one of those meetings that makes you want to straighten out a paper clip to slit your wrist or to fake a phone call to yourself on your cell phone so you can leave the room and escape the madness.

Or how about this survival tip: Have you ever played Business Buzzword Bingo during a meeting just to remain sane?

WOT: a meeting that is a total Waste OTime.

boring-meeting1Do you lead meetings that end with a “WOW!” or a “WOT!” from those attending?

Organizations invest a great deal of resources into meetings. Collaborative sessions are critical to conducting business, but I believe that we can and must challenge ourselves to do better and be better. As a leader, you can set the tone for your team or organization by implementing better planning, communication, accountability, and discipline in the conduct of meetings. I challenge you to critically think about every meeting that you organize, attend or support.

I would love to hear your best tips, tricks, and stories to help us all make every second count. What is the worst example of a “WOT” meeting you have been to lately?

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L2L Contributing Author

