Can You Spare Some Time?

Today’s economic challenges can make it very difficult to answer affirmatively when your local charity organization comes knocking at your door for donations.  We know how valuable their services are.  However, these organizations are really feeling the pinch as donors are faced with tough financial choices and often feel they have to cut back their giving.

Have you considered what you can do beyond donating money?  Could you spare some time instead of a dime? Instead of a contribution to the local PTA, can you go read to a second-grade class at the elementary school around the corner?


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Instead of a cash donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters, can you free up some time so that you or some of your employees can donate an hour or two a week to a child that needs a positive role model?

Instead of writing a check to the American Red Cross, can you organize a blood drive at your workplace or in your neighborhood?

Instead of sponsoring a booth at your local tradeshow, can you agree to mentor a young business person?  Are you willing to share the valuable lessons that your experience has taught you?

Perhaps you already give time to one organization, but another one needs help, too.  Have you looked at ways that the two organizations can pool resources?  Many organizations have common goals and may be able to benefit by uniting through cooperative efforts for the limited resources available.

Leading, serving, and giving are all intertwined and come in many forms.  Giving of time, enthusiasm, character, and knowledge is still very much needed.  As dollars wane, your time is more valuable – and more appreciated – than ever.

What is doing to serve your community in spite of the economic challenges of today?  Inspire us!

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L2L Contributing Author

