Leaders and Businesses Turn Off Cruise Control Mode

Cruise Control

What a whopper of a year!

We are fast approaching the one-year anniversary of Linked 2 Leadership. What does that mean for you?  How will you celebrate?  For me, it has been more intense, more accelerated, more profound, and totally over the top–every day.  I remember a year ago when I drank two cups of coffee and took a brisk walk to feel this energized and now I operate at this level with only the stimulants of servant leadership and the inspiration that this amazing, unprecedented group provides 24/7.

The Dow Index was climbing to 14,000 a year ago.  This morning is it below 7,000.  Every month of the first year of L2L is memorable.  Each month stands out with experiences and new relationships as thousands of leaders joined our group, told their stories, and played out their leadership vision.  For leadership, for businesses, for the world, the last 12 months can be summarized and characterized with one word:  Unprecedented.

That means we are all thrust into a 100% leadership role because there is no reference to anything behind us.  What worked yesterday no longer does so we have to find a ton of strength, courage, and faith to blaze entirely new trails.  This economy is now the brave new world and the dramatic change we all knew would arrive soon.  We did not know it would be in the middle of the first year of L2L.

How do you feel about all of this? How do you feel right now?  What are you choosing to do about it?  Would you like to know how 30,000 active subscribers to ChangeThis answered those questions?

Optimistic. Anxious. Hopeful. Cautious. Frustrated. Confident. Stressed.   Go to the ChangeThis site and download this report. See where it aligns with your answers.   Get out that yellow highlighter and mark your favorites.  It will help you feel much better.

This one is my favorite: “I believe the current status of the economy is bringing a healthy gut check for consumers.  This creates a need for them to wake up and engage in helping create global change.  Leaders and businesses can no longer survive in cruise control mode, and must focus on helping them emotionally engage their employees and customers.”

As we move into Year Two of Linked 2 Leadership, make sure you check your leadership compass with the excellent summary of retrospective and forward thinking in the annual report authored by Tom Schulte.  It’s right here in this blog. The words that come to mind for the first year and the next year are these:

Unprecedented.  Change. Growth. Servant Leadership.

Image source BMW

L2L Contributing Author

