What's Next?

What's Next
I was speaking to a business coach this afternoon and we were chatting about my upcoming college graduation (only 34 years after I started!)  Susan always has a way of making me think about things in a different way. 

Today, it took just two words:

“What’s next?”

At first, I laughed and said I needed to catch up on my reading and my blogging.  Then, a little vacation would be nice.  And, again, she said again, “What’s next?”  I could tell by the look on her face that this question was not going to go away.  Susan was trying to get me to think – as all good coaches do.

She wasn’t really talking about a specific thing I was going to do next, or a place I was going to visit, or a person I was going to see.  She wanted to know how I was going to continue my personal and professional growth now that college is nearly over.

“What’s next?”

We briefly discussed many ideas.  We talked about pursuing my Masters.  We talked about furthering my writing.  We talked about future opportunities at work.  No decisions were made, but a meaningful and important dialogue was started.  My personal and professional development must continue if I am to continue being an effective leader. 

I can’t sit back and say I’ve done this and this and this.  That’s the past, not the future. 

How do I continue my growth so that I am ready for whatever the future may bring?  How do I prepare myself to lead my team in whatever direction we need to go?

“What’s next?”

Many times, leaders are so focused on developing the people around them that they forget about investing in their own skills.  That is not healthy for the leader, for the followers, or for the organization. 

Think about your own skills and where your business is heading.  Are you ready to lead your people- not just for today, but into the future?  Perhaps there are some new technologies, new markets or new competitors to learn about.  Maybe a refresher on crisis management or employment law or interpersonal communications styles would be helpful.  How can you continue to grow and develop?

So I ask you, “What’s next?”

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Eleanor Biddulph is the Executive Vice President of Client Services
at Progressive Medical, Inc.
She can be reached at
[email protected]

Image Source: dianetota.com

L2L Contributing Author

