Take A Break – You Need It

Taking a break is a very important part of your success.

You need to disconnect from the office, your customers, your staff, your day-to-day pressures.  You need to relax, refresh and recharge so that you can continue your high level of performance.  Taking a vacation does not diminish your performance, it helps continue it.

Taking a break has many benefits.  It can be a great stress reliever, enhance creativity, reduce the opportunity for burnout, strengthen family relationships and friendships, and help you stay healthier and live longer.

Think about a football game.  What is the purpose of halftime?  The players leave the field, grab a drink, sit down and listen to their coaches.  They assess how they are doing so far and make plans for the second half.  They rest their bodies so they can come back and finish the game strong.


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In the theater, there is always an intermission between major acts of a show.  The actors take a break, rest their voices, adjust their costumes, and perhaps review their lines for the next act.  The musicians in the pit orchestra retune their instruments so they sound just as good in the second half as they did in the first.

In the circus, the intermission gives the ringmaster and the performers a chance to review the ebb and flow of the performances.  Everyone gets to take a break from the pressure of being “on.”  Animals are fed, the rings are cleaned up, and equipment is checked.

Even the audience benefits from a timeout or intermission.  They can process what action has taken place, or how a story has developed.  They can get a snack, talk to friends, and stretch their legs.  They come back re-energized and anticipating the action to come.

When was the last time you took a break?  Summer is almost over.  Have you gone on vacation yet this year?  Taking time for yourself will help you lead others better in the future.  Encourage your team members to take time out for themselves by setting the example and doing it yourself.

Finish the year strong; take a break now!

Eleanor Biddulph is the Executive Vice President of Client Services at Progressive Medical, Inc.
She can be reached at [email protected]

Image Source: nettravelease.com, smh.com.au

L2L Contributing Author

