On Leading Leaders

Leading Leaders

Do you lead other leaders?

If you answered “Yes!,” then you know there are some unique challenges in leading leaders. If you haven’t thought about leadership within that framework, I would invite you to give it some consideration.

Put modesty and humility aside for just a moment, and think about what makes you a good leader…

You have a vision. You are a good communicator. You have a certain skill set or depth of knowledge about your industry. You have experience. You are able to influence people and motivate them toward a goal.

All of these things together  help make you a good leader.

What about your followers who also have these same skills?  Is there conflict for them in being a good follower while also being a good leader?


Leading Leaders

In his book, “Leading Leaders,” Jeswald W. Salacuse attacks these issues head on.  He breaks them up into seven key areas.  As summarized in the book, they are:

  • Direction: How do you negotiate a vision for the organization that other leaders will buy into?
  • Integration: How do you make stars a team?
  • Mediation: How do you resolve conflicts over turf and power among other leaders so the organization can move forward?
  • Education: How do you educate people who think they are already educated?
  • Motivation: How do you move other leaders who already seem “to have everything” to do the right thing for the organization?
  • Representation: How do you lead your organization’s outside constituents while still leading leaders inside?
  • Trust Creation: How do you gain and keep other leaders’ trust, the vital capital that your own leadership depends on?

I’m anxious to hear your experiences.

How do you create a space in which your followers who are leaders can shine? How do you bring all of their strengths together in a united purpose? How do you handle these challenges?


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Eleanor Biddulph
Eleanor Biddulph
 is the EVP of Client Services at Progressive Medical, Inc.
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Image Source: faithoncampus.com, buildingfutureleaders.com

L2L Contributing Author


  1. stumblingovertruth on October 1, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    I’m a Unit Director of a Chick-fil-A in Conway, AR. About two years ago, we shifted to a philosophy of leadership versus a philosophy on management. It was one of the biggest changes the store had ever seen. Now, two years later, I find myself in a position of leading around 30 leaders-in-training. Times can be tough, but I’ve found as long as my character is quality, people trust and will follow.

    • Eleanor Biddulph on October 2, 2009 at 8:16 am

      What a philosphy shift! I’m curious how that change in mindset has affected productvity, morale, retention, etc. You could have quite the story to tell! Thanks for stopping by L2L and commenting on my post. El

  2. Marvin on October 2, 2009 at 7:45 am

    I have a natural leader in my teenager. These are great ideas to incorporate into my parenting. Especially creating a family vision/direction that she will buy into and help to make happen. Great information!

    • Eleanor Biddulph on October 2, 2009 at 8:20 am

      Marvin – Can I also suggest that you read Patrick Lencioni’s “The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family”? Lencioni takes the same business and leadership principles and applies them to family life. For example, why not have a mission, vision and values statement for your family? Your comment leads me to think you might find value in this book, too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post!

