Are You In a Leadership Rut or Routine?

Leadership Rut or Routine?

Are you in a Leadership Rut or Routine? Ruts and routines are not the same, but they can both be helpful in Leadership.

We all get in them, that state of functioning when action happens, but engagement is missing. Some call it a rut others a routine.

In my opinion routines are fabulous and ruts are devastating.

Stuck in a Rut

Getting stuck in a rut.. it can happen to anyone. They have happened to me. They have even happened to me at the best of times.

Routine DadI am busy doing my life and the repetitive nature of some of the actions of my life slowly grips me in its clasp and I find myself unengaged.

The same old work, followed by the same old repetitions of kids and dinner and TV and sleep.

Nothing to look forward to, nothing to be excited about and nothing out of the ordinary.

In fact, when something out of the ordinary does occur, it is usually not what I like or planned; it just irritates me. I feel stuck. Like a victim to the circumstances of my life. I feel somewhat powerless to change the outcome, so I mentally check out, while doing the repetitions – hoping to find and intellectual escape in my mind.

Rut’s are cursed with sameness.

The same repeated actions, the same feelings, the usual events on the same days of the week and the same uninspiring outcomes. Sameness coats a rut like a slippery lubricant, preventing anyone from climbing out and perpetuating the sameness. It is mind-numbing to the soul and devastating to passion.

The Routine Machine

The irony of a routine is that to the untrained eye – it can look just like a rut. Very similar actions, with very similar time intervals and repetitions.  The huge qualifying difference though, is engagement.

In a routine my heart and passion is actively engaged.

Perhaps not even on the task at hand, but engaged in some aspect of my life, none-the-less.

I like routines, because they allow me to be productive with my action (without missing an essential step) while my mind is elsewhere planning or dreaming on a new project or problem. The safety of a routine is that I have it down pat so well, that I can afford to let my mind wander onto other more enjoyable or stimulating things.

If I let my mind wander in the middle of an activity, without the power of an established routine, I could easily leave out a step, forget something or make a mess. But, with the safety of a routine in place I can allow the action to take place, knowing that while my mind is on others things, I can be productive.

This freedom to mentally engage in other things while executing, keeps my heart/passions engaged and my actions effectively productive.

So what about Leadership?

If you find yourself in a spot like that, the key is not to change the repetitions of your life (although sometimes that does help,) but to focus on getting your engagement back.

Do what you have to to re-ignite the passion in your soul and the fire in your eyes.

When it comes to re-igniting one’s passion, I strongly endorse any action that doesn’t hurt people and which lines up with WHO you are, i.e your identity. For example, I am a learner by nature. It energizes me to learn about new things that are in areas of interest for me. Going to a conference about the things I am interested in, always inspires me and helps to get some fire back.

On the other hand, leaders should make shameless use of the power of routines to facilitate productivity. Routines allow action to occur and engagement to be maintained. They ensure accuracy in the action and yet make place for other engagements.

BUT… Be careful not to mandate a particular path of action as you encourage routines. I understand that the specified path of action gives you some sense of confidence that the outcome will be achieved, but by doing so you could eliminate any sense of autonomy your employees have in that routine and it will quickly become a rut.

Both ruts and routines can be helpful in Leadership and if you are not sure which one you are in, just ask your co-workers.

Two questions then…

  1. Are you in a rut or a routine?
  2. What action, centered around your identity, energizes you and can restore some engagement in your life?


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Allan Kelsey
Allan Kelsey
 is  Managing Director of Leading Leadersin Keller, TX
He helps clients create Dramatically Improved Performance and Life Satisfaction

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L2L Contributing Author


  1. Eugene Sinsabaugh on July 4, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    An incredible post like this deserves to be shared

  2. Terry Sexton on October 9, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    I agree that routines drive efficiency. However, I times of change and uncertainty they can give a leader a secure place of certainty but can result in old solutions being inappropriately applied to new unique problems. Sometimes the routines are a reflection of the leader’s identity. This is when the leader has constructed their persona (as we all do) and is holding on to it too tightly because it was successful in the past. For leaders to be successful they need to gain the agility associated with transcending their persona.

  3. DOMINOQQ on January 5, 2015 at 6:49 am

    What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing the importance of loving ourselves no matter what!!! I love the idea if telling ourselves, “Way to go! I’m so glad you’re still here!” I feel wonderful just typing it! Have a peace-FILLED day!

