Are You an "A" Player? (not what you think…)

Sure, everyone’s talking about “recovery” and “innovation” and “leadership” as being some of the biggest buzzwords this side of a decade (just as “sophisticated, innovative, and entitlement” graced last year… yes, I had to keep “innovative”), but I’ve got my own buzzword that I’m coining and using as excessively as I can

My new buzzword is:


Go ahead, look it up.  Now separate it from Obama’s book, and think about leaders you know, leadership you’ve seen, and actions that have taken place over the course of the last several months… or years !!

The word practically moves your computer screen from so much:

:: (((((( BUZZZZZZ )))))) ::

Doesn’t it?

I’m going to create a new phrase: An “A” Player.  It’s a phrase reserved for those who are describing a leader who acts with the boldest, most shameless, most audacious behavior and it’s meant to be said with a whole bunch of sarcasm.  “Did you SEE those bonus PAY-OUTS?” , “Yeah, those are some A-Players there, huh?” (wink, nudge…)

What a perfect word to describe from what  leaders need to stay clear.  And yet, every day we hear of a leader’s “audacity”.  It’s the adjective we as leaders DON’T want people to use in the same sentence as our names… unless it’s followed by, “Thank goodness SHE’S not like that,” or “Thankfully she managed the audacity of her leadership team.”

Reflecting on our 2010  L2L Blogazine Topics, this word touched EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Leading Change and Team Building Leadership

If you want to “be more effective with [your] people and [your] teams during turbulent times,” and “keep things moving toward a shared objective,” ask yourself: do you exhibit audacious behavior?

Leading in Today’s Economy and Servant Leadership

If you are leading “people and teams effectively… when people are uncertain about their futures” and you truly want to serve your people as their deserved leader, keep the “A” word as far away as possible.

Coaching Corner and Leadership Lessons Learned

Both are keen on behavioral awareness, patterns, and changes so as to make you a more effective leader… which means: if you have been described as an “A Player,” you’ve got some work to do.

Professional Development, Leading & Developing Other Leaders, Practical Steps to Influence, and Conflict Management

You won’t get far with your leadership success or any of those topics if you think you never show any “audacity”.  Afterall, it was probably “audacity” that helped you get where you are today… but, as we see all around us all the time, it won’t keep you where you are today, will it?

Last, but not the least: Work-Life Balance and Organizational Health

Keep the A-play in check, put your priorities in order, and keep your eye on the ball– both Work-Life Balance and Organizational Health are more related to your personal and professional growth than you think

They are directly linked to the kind of culture you create as a leader.

Keep the “A” word clear from view, and you just might accomplish growth in both areas.

Now I know that this blog doesn’t illustrate my usual quirkiness about leadership or my anecdotal cheekiness while story-telling, and that’s simply because with the start of a new year comes great opportunity (at least as dictated by our calendars).

As you re-affirm your New Year’s resolutions, and weigh out whether you can really keep them or not… and now’s the time they’re likely falling to the wayside… just keep one word in mind to guide your behavior, your decisions, and your philosophy: audacity.


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Christa (Centola) Dhimo, President & Founder,
via Best Practices.
She can be reached at [email protected]

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L2L Contributing Author


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